1. puma::Clust.exampleE
    The example data of the mean gene expression levels
    matrix|700 x 20
  2. puma::Clust.exampleStd
    The example data of the standard deviation for gene expression levels
    matrix|700 x 20
  3. puma::Clustii.exampleE
    The example data of the mean gene expression levels
  4. puma::Clustii.exampleStd
    The example data of the standard deviation for gene expression levels
  5. puma::eset_mmgmos
    An example ExpressionSet created from the Dilution data with mmgmos
  6. puma::exampleE
    The example data of the mean gene expression levels
    matrix|200 x 6
  7. puma::exampleStd
    The example data of the standard deviation for gene expression levels
    matrix|200 x 6
  8. puma::hgu95aphis
    Estimated parameters of the distribution of phi